Conference Presentations with Proceedings (refereed)
Baker, P.M.A., Bujak, K.R., & DeMillo, R.A. (2012). The evolving university: disruptive change and institutional innovation. In proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion. Elsevier Procedia Computer Science. Vol 14 (pp. 330–335). Porto, Portugal.
Moon, N.W., Baker, P.M.A., & Bricout, J.C. (2010). Collaboration and its centrality to disability policy: an analysis of the ICDR’s 2009 call for recommendations on disability research topics. In proceedings of the RESNA 2010 Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Moon, N.W., & Baker, P.M.A. (2010). Reducing barriers to workplace accommodations: insights from a policy delphi study. In proceedings of the RESNA 2010 Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Baker, P.M.A., Fairchild, A., Pater, J., & Seavey, S. (2010, June 17-18). Community, participation and virtual spaces: design considerations for inclusivity. In D. O’Donnell (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on eGovernment. University of Limerick, Ireland. Reading, United Kingdom: Academic Publishing Limited.
Baker, P.M.A., Hanson, J., & Belle, A. (2008, May 18-21). Municipal wi-fi and policy implications for people with disabilities. In the proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o2008), Montreal, Canada.
Baker, P.M.A., Bell, A., & Moon, N.W. (2007, March 19-24). Workplace accommodations: barriers and opportunities for policy change. In proceedings of California State University’s Northridge Center on Disabilities’ 22nd Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Moon, N.W., Baker, P.M.A., & Bell, A. (2007, March). Technological access barriers for people with disabilities: wireless RERC and policy change. In proceedings of the California State University’s Northridge Center on Disabilities’ 22nd Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A., & Fairchild, A. (2005). The virtual workspace: telework, disabilities and public policy. In proceedings of the 5th European Conference on e-Government – 2005. Reading, England: Academic Conferences International.
Baker, P.M.A., Price, E., & Shackleford, S. (2005, June 25-27). State of mobile wireless technology for persons with disabilities: preliminary conference outcomes. In the 28th Annual RESNA Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA.
Baker, P.M.A., & Bellordre, C. (2004). Adoption of information and communication technologies: key policy issues, barriers and opportunities for people with disabilities. In proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’04), Hilton Waikoloa Village, HI. IEEE Computer Society.
Presentations without Proceedings
Baker, P.M.A. (2016). Skills and Innovation Policy Workshop, University of Ottawa Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy (IFSD), invited discussant. Ottawa, Canada, December 5-6, 2016.
Baker, P.M.A. (2016). Panel presentation “Post-secondary Education and the Development of Skilled Workforces: Policy Innovation Opportunities and Barriers” at Diversities of Innovation II: The Role of Governmental Policies for the Future Economic Basis of Societies Workshop. Berlin, October 17-19, 2016.
Baker, P.M.A. (2016). Panel presentation: “Post-secondary Education and the Development of Skilled Workforces: Comparative Policy Innovation in Brazil, Finland and the U.S.” (co-authors – Prof. Matej Drev, Prof. Mariza Almeida, Dr. Risto Vilkko) presented at Regions of Innovation: Technological and Scientific Networks as Drivers for Socio-Economic Development panel, IPSA 24th World Congress of Political Science, Poznań, Poland, July 23-28, 2016
Baker, P.M.A. (2014, May). 21st century universities as innovation nodes: communities of learning, research, and collaboration’ presented at the ‘digital academe: new business models, analytics and roles’ panel, at the Innovation in Higher Education: Building a Better Future? International Communications Association Preconference, Seattle, WA.
Baker, P.M.A., Evans, J. & McCook, L. (2013, August) 11-13. Developing internal and external university innovation: a transdisciplinary approach for regional collaboration. Workshop conducted at the Collaborative Innovation Networks Conference (COINS), Santiago de Chile.
Baker, P.M.A., Bujak, K.R., DeMillo, R.A., & Sandulli, F. (2012, July 8-12). The Evolving University: Beyond Disruptive Change and Institutional Innovation. Paper presented at the Future of Universities in a Global Context panel, IPSA, Madrid, Spain.
Sandulli, F.D., Baker, P.M.A., & López Sánchez, J.I. (2012, July 10-12). The impact on small firms´ efficiency of the fit between technological change and skills. Presented at the Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA) Conference: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Knowledge Industries, Valencia, Spain.
Baker, P.M.A., & Moon, N.W. (2012, April 26-27). Digital technologies and the employment of americans with disabilities: findings from a focus group study. Presented at the 34th NARRTC Conference, Alexandria, VA.
Baker, P.M.A., & Pater, J. (2011, October 10-13). Social learning, social media, and the aging. Panel presentation at AOIR12. Seattle, WA.
Baker, P.M.A., Moon, N.W., Bricout, J., Coughlan, B, & Pater, J. (2011, September 1-4). The persistence of participation: community, disability, and social networks. Presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
White, J., & Baker, P.M.A. (2011, June 5-8). Of ADA Policy, implementation, and municipal compliance. Presented at RESNA-ICTA FICCDAT 2011, Toronto, Canada.
Baker, P.M.A., Bricout, J., Moon, N.W., Coughlan, B, & Pater, J. (2011, April 27-28). Social media, participation and e-accessibility. Presented by Paul M.A. Baker at the NARRTC Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Baker, P.M.A., & Pater, J. (2010, October 21-23). The persistence of ‘participation’: community representation of disability on Facebook. Paper presented at Internet Research 11.0 Conference Sustainability, Participation, Action, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Baker, P.M.A., Bricout, J., Moon, N.W., Coughlan, B, & Pater, J. (2010, September 8-10). Ageing of participation: community, work, and social networks. Presented at the International Conference on Ageing, Disability and Independence, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Moon, N.W., & Baker, P.M.A. (2010, September 8-10). Accommodating workers aging into disability: findings from a policy Delphi Study. Presented at the International Conference on Ageing, Disability and Independence, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Baker, P.MA., Fairchild, A., Pater, J., & Seavey, A. (2010, June 17-18). Community, participation and virtual spaces: design considerations for inclusivity. Presented at the 10th European Conference on e-Government, National Centre for Taxation Studies, University of Limerick, Ireland.
Baker, P.MA., Sandulli , F.D., Rata, B.M., & López Sánchez, J.I. (2010, June 1-4). Information technology, complementary HRM practices and its effect on the productivity of micro, small and medium enterprises. Presented at the Conference of the International Network of Business and Management Journals (INBAM): Creativity and Innovation in an International Context, Valencia, Spain.
Noonan, D.S., Baker, P.M.A., Seavey, A., & Moon, N.W (2010, May 6-7). Where the cathedrals and bazaars are: an index of open source software activity and potential: open source software activity and potential index. Presented at JITP 2010 Conference: The Politics of Open Source, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Baker, P.M.A., Bricout, J.C., Hazlett, R., & Moon, N.W. An analysis of responses to the ICDR’s 2009 call for recommendations on disability research topics. Presented at the NARRTC Annual Conference, Alexandria, VA.
Baker, P.M.A., & White, J. (2010, May 3-4). Results from a DBTAC study on municipal policy compliance with the ADA and the effects on civil participation by citizens with disabilities. Presented at the NARRTC Annual Conference, Alexandria, VA.
Baker, P.M.A., Bricout, J.C., Ward, A.C., Cooper, R., & Seavey, A. (2010, May 25). New tools for public participation: web 2.0, new media, and inclusive policymaking. Panel at the 25th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, San Diego, CA.
Baker, P.M.A., Tobias, T., Creagan, T., Curtis-Davidson, B. (2010, March 26). Beyond accessible: new digital technologies and the inclusive workplace. Panel at the 25th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, San Diego, CA.
Moon, N.W., & Baker, P.M.A. (2010, March 27). Developing inclusive workplace accommodations for people with disabilities: results from policy research. Presented the 25th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, San Diego, CA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2009, November 7). Disability policy development, civic participation, and accessibility. Presented at The 31st Annual APPAM Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Bricout, J., & Baker, P.M.A. (2009, November 7). Empirically driven policy tools for inclusive e-governance. Presented at The 31st Annual APPAM Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Bricout, J., & Baker, P.M.A. (2009, September 21-23). Leveraging online social networks for persons with a disability in emergency communications and recovery. Presented at Wireless RERC State of Technology Conference on Wireless Emergency Communication, Atlanta, GA.
Baker, P.M.A., Fairchild, A., & Pater, J. (2009, September 2). Municipal wifi and e-accessibility: the impact of business models on stakeholder inclusion. Presented at EURO mGOV 2009, the 4th European Conference on Mobile Government, Barcelona, Spain.
Baker, P.M.A., & Foreman, A.E. (2009, May 21-25). Gender, disability and virtual social networks. Panel paper for the 59th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association: Women in a Digital World: Conceptual Models of Inclusion, Chicago, IL.
Baker, P.M.A. (2009, May 4-5). Using research evidence to promote universal design in workplace accommodation policies and practices. Presented at the National Association of Rehabilitation Research Training Centers 2009 Annual Conference, Arlington, VA.
Baker, P.M.A., & Moon, N.W. (2009, March 16-21). Enhancing policy activities among NIDDR-sponsored projects: developing collaborative policy networks. Presented at the California State University’s Northridge, Center on Disabilities’ 24th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A., & Moon, N.W. (2009, March 16-21). Improving workplace accommodations: initial results of a policy Delphi Study. Presented at the California State University’s Northridge, Center on Disabilities’ 24th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A., Bricout. J., Ward, A.C., & Moon, N.W. (2009, March 16-21). Teleworking, disabilities, and socially inclusive workplaces. Presented at the California State University’s Northridge, Center on Disabilities’ 24th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A., Noonan, D.S., Seavey, A., & Moon, N.W. (2008, November 8). State-level variations in open source policies. Presented at the Thirtieth Annual APPAM Research Conference, Wilshire Grand Hotel, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A., & Moon, N.W. (2008, June 26-30). Policy issues and access to wireless technologies: results of a policy Delphi study. Presented at the RESNA 2008 Annual Conference, Arlington, VA.
Moon, N.W., & Baker, P.M.A. (2008, June 26-30). Reducing technological access barriers for people with disabilities: developing a collaborative policy network among NIDDR-sponsored projects. Presented at the RESNA 2008 Annual Conference, Arlington, VA.
Baker, P.M.A., & Hanson, J. (2008, May 18-21). Municipal wi-fi and policy implications for people with disabilities. Presented at the 9th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o2008), Montreal, Canada.
Baker, P.M.A., & Moon, N.W. (2008, April 13-18). Reducing access barriers to wireless technologies for people with disabilities: issues, opportunities and policy options. Paper presented at CWUAAT 2008: 4th Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Ward , A.C., & Baker, P.M.A. (2008, March 18-23). How philosophy can inform the creation of public policy for workplace accommodations: an essay in applied philosophy. Paper presented at the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division National Meeting, Pasadena, CA.
Baker, P.M.A., & Moon, N.W. (2008, February 21-23). Policy change and the accommodating workplace: issues, barriers and opportunities. Paper presented at the 2008 International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence (ICADI), St. Petersburg, FL.
Ward , A.C., & Baker, P.M.A. (2007, October 5-6). Liberty, disabilities and justice in the workplace: how philosophy can inform public policy. Presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Central States Philosophical Association at Hotel Fort Des Moines, Des Moines, IA.
Baker, P.M.A., & Bell, A. (2007, May 23-24). Accessibility in municipal wireless networks: system implementation, policy, and potential barriers for people with disabilities. Presented at the ICA Pre-conference Workshop Mobile Communication: Bringing Us Together or Tearing Us Apart? for the 57th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.
Moon, N.W., Baker, P.M.A., & Bell, A. (2007, March 23). Technological access barriers for people with disabilities: Wireless RERC and policy change. Presented at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) Center on Disabilities’ 22nd Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A., Bell, A., & Moon, N.W. (2007, March 23). Workplace accommodations: barriers and opportunities for policy change. Presented at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) Center on Disabilities’ 22nd Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A., Williams, M.D., Moon, N.W., & Roy, R.G.B. (2006, August 31 – September 3). (e)Voting for people with disabilities and the aging: a survey of technological, social and process barriers to participation. Presented by Paul M.A. Baker at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Roy, R.G.B., Baker, P.M.A., & Kaplan, S.A. (2006, March 20-25). Disabilities, (e)voting and access: a survey of voter satisfaction. Presented at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) Center on Disabilities’ 21st Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Head, L., Baker, P.M.A., & Bagwell, B. (2006, March 20-25). Workplace accommodations for older workers: an examination of employer practice. Presented at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) Center on Disabilities’ 21st Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A., Moon, N.W., & Bakowski, A. (2006, March 20-25). Increasing access to wireless technologies: results of a policy Delphi study. Presented at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) Center on Disabilities’ 21st Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2006, March 16-19). Accommodating the aging worker: technology, policy, and universal design in the workplace. Presented at the National Council on the Aging (NCOA) and the American Society on Aging (ASA) Joint Conference: Invest in Aging, Anaheim, CA.
Head, L., Baker, P.M.A., & Bagwell, B. (2006, February). Aging and the accommodating workplace: policy implications of employer practice. Presented at the International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence, St. Petersburg, FL.
Head, L., Baker, P.M.A., & Bagwell, B. (2006, February). Workplace accommodation policy and older workers. Presented at the International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence, St. Petersburg, FL.
Baker, P.M.A., & Roy, R.G.B. (2005, November 3-5). Getting out the vote: assessing technological, social and process barriers to voting for people with disabilities. Presented at APPAM Fall Conference, Washington, DC.
Head, L., Bagwell, B., & Baker, P.M.A. (2005, September 14-15). Aging and the accommodating workplace: a survey of employer practice. Paper presented at the Workplace RERC State of the Science Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Baker, P.M.A., & Ward, A.C. (2005, September 14-15). Virtual exclusion and the teleworker. Paper presented at the Workplace RERC State of the Science Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Baker, P.M.A., Price, E., & Shackleford, S. (2005, June 25-27). State of mobile wireless technology for persons with disabilities. Presented at RESNA 2005, Atlanta, GA.
Mitchell, H., Baker, P.M.A., & Bakowsky, A. (2005, June 25-27). Wireless technologies and people with disabilities: a policy status report. Presented at RESNA 2005, Atlanta, GA.
Baker, P.M.A., & Fairchild, A. (2005, June 16-17). The virtual workspace: telework, disabilities and public policy. Presented at the 5th European Conference on e-Government, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium.
Baker, P.M.A., & Mitchell, H. (2005, June 16-17). The U.S. wireless policy landscape in the disabilities context. Presented at the 5th European Conference on e-Government, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium.
Head, L., & Baker, P.M.A. (2005, March 14-19). Workplace accommodations and ADA Title1: policy and the metrics of ‘reasonable’. Presented at CSUN’s 20th Annual, International Conference: Technology and Persons with Disabilities, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2004, October 30). New policy tools: using policy Delphi method to craft disability policy to increase access to wireless/communication devices. Presented at the 26th Annual Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Research Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2004, June 22). Communication and technology policy for people with disabilities: designing approaches to increase use. Presented at RESNA 2004 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Baker, P.M.A., & Ward, A.C. (2004, March 15-20). Toward development of the accommodating workplace: key technological and policy issues. Presented at CSUN’s 19th Annual, International Conference: Technology and Persons with Disabilities, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A., & Bellordre, C. (2004, January 5-8). Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies: key policy issues, barriers and opportunities for people with disabilities. Presented at the Thirty-Seventh Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-37), Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI.
Baker, P.M.A., & Ward, A.C. (2003, November 13-15). Strategies for workplace disability integration. presented at the Georgia Political Science Association Convention: Consequences of Institutions and Cultures, Pine Mountain, GA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2003, November 6-8). Technological and policy factors influencing adoption of communication technologies by people with disabilities. Presented at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Baker, P.M.A., & Panagopoulos, C. (2003, August 20-31). Great expectations: the promise of digital government in the American states. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2003, June 19-23). Accessibility and wireless technologies: policy and regulatory considerations. Policy workshop moderator at RESNA 2003 Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Ward, A.C., & Baker, P.M.A. (2003, June 27-29). Strategies for workplace disability integration: a new model of universal access. Presented at Transvision 2003: Transhumanism and Bioethics in the 21st Century, New Haven, CT.
Baker, P.M.A. (2003, March 17-22). Technology policy assessment to assist people with disabilities. Presented at CSUN’s 18th Annual, International Conference: Technology and Persons with Disabilities, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2002, September 29-October 2). Cutting edge research in mobile wireless technologies for persons with disabilities. Panelist and Chair at the 2002 ViTrec/GCATT Technology Partnerships Conference and Exhibition, Atlanta, GA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2002, August 29). Developing policy frameworks for evaluation of inclusive technologies. Presented at American Political Science Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2002, June 18-21). Adoption of ICTs and wireless technologies: key issues, barriers and opportunities facing people with disabilities. Presented at INET 2002: Internet Crossroads: Where Technology and Policy Intersect, Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA.
Baker, P.M.A., Akridge, S., Christensen, J.J., & Keck, R. (2002, March 23-26). Policy perspectives on government use of citizen data part 1: definitions and parameters. Presented at the 63rd Annual Conference, American Society of Public Administration, Phoenix, AZ.
Baker, P.M.A. (2002, February 15-16). Government collection and use of citizen information. presented at the New Directions in Internet Policy Workshop, IP3 Project, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Crampton, J.W., & Baker, P.M.A. (2002, March 19-23). GIS analysis of the digital divide cybergeography 1: The Changing Meaning of Space. Presented at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2001, March 12). The multiple roles for information technology in government. Panel convener at the 62nd Annual Conference, American Society of Public Administration, Newark, NJ.
Baker, P.M.A. (2000, November 9-11). Virtual engagement, vs. real engagement, does a head in space need feet on the ground? Presented at Wired For Engagement: Using New Technology to Build Community the National Civic League, 106th National Conference on Government, Crystal City, VA.
Baker, P.M.A., & O’Neil, D. (2000 November 2-4). Assessment and evaluation in community information infrastructures: implementing DeKalb County’s Family Technology Resource Centers. Presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Conference, Seattle, WA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2000, August 31-September 3). Assessing information networking for communities, non-profits, and local governments. Presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Baker, P.M.A., & Ward, A.C. (2000, June 16-18). Workshop presentation: assessment of community-level use of information technologies: developing tools for evaluating efficacy. Presented at Exploring the Social and Economic Challenges to Community-Based Research: Third Annual Community Research Network Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2000, April 27-30). Governance, policy, and wires in the virtual metropolis: policy ramifications of information and communications technologies (ICTs). Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, 58th Annual National Convention, Chicago, IL.
Baker, P.M.A., & Ward, A.C. (2000, April 27-29). Dynamics and change in information communities: the nexus of virtual and proximate. Presented at Symposium: Cities, Citizens and Citizenship in the Globalized Society, Grupo de Estudios Alternativos/bordes, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Baker, P.M.A. (2000, April 1-5). Information and communication technologies (ICTs) & public policy: participatory government or cynical manipulation of the polity? Presented at Visions 2000, 61st Annual Conference, American Society of Public Administration, San Diego, CA.
Baker, P.M.A. (2000, April 1-5). Citizens & customers: challenges for service delivery & citizen participation. Panel moderator at Visions 2000, 61st Annual Conference, American Society of Public Administration, San Diego, CA.
Baker, P.M.A. (1999, September 25-27). Policy, and wires in the virtual metropolis: policy ramifications of information and communications technologies (ICTs). Presented at the 27th Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, Alexandria, VA.
Baker, P.M.A. (1999, September). Governance, policy and place in an age of technologically mediated interaction. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the APSA, Atlanta, GA.
Baker, P.M.A. (1999, July 5-7). The virtual metropolis: instrumenting policy with social research. Presented at Exploring Cyber Society Conference School of Social, Political and Economic Sciences, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Baker, P.M.A. (1999, April, 10-13). Web-based information systems in local government: useful tools or flashy trends? Presented at ASPA Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Baker, P.M.A. (1998, November 21-23). Revisiting the role of governance in the virtual metropolis. Presented at The Fourth Regional Science and Technology Policy Research Symposium: The Knowledge Society, Innovation and Information Regions. Chapel Hill Sheraton, Chapel Hill, NC.
Baker, P.M.A. (1998, September 3-6). Community in the virtual metropolis. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA.
Baker, P.M.A. (1998, June 25-27). Once we’re wired, can we stand it: the use of technology in improving citizen participation in government. Presented at the ASPA Regions III/IV Conference: NextWork – Public Administration in the 21st Century, Fairfax, VA.
Baker, P.M.A. (1998, March 22). Mapping information communities in the virtual metropolis: do wires a community make? Presented at Telecommunications and The City Conference, Athens, GA.
Baker, P.M.A. (1997, August 28-31). New approaches to local governance: policy innovation and municipal information networks. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Sheraton Washington Hotel, Washington, DC.
Baker, P.M.A. (1997, July 26-30). Municipal information networks and the delivery of services: innovation and local government policymaking. Presented at American Society of Public Administration Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Baker, P.M.A. (1995, December 11-14). Regional information infrastructures – The Potomac KnowledgeWay. Presented at Civic Networking Workshop at the 4th International WWW Conference, Boston, MA.
Baker, P.M.A. (1995, August 21). Building community networks. Presented at Telecommunities ’95 Equity on the Internet: 1st Annual General Meeting of Telecommunities, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Baker, P.M.A. (1994, December 5). Public acceptance of automated highway systems. Presented at First Annual Conference – Intelligent Transportation Systems for Virginia, Tysons Corner, VA.